Our Ausmonite starter kits are the perfect introduction into our acrylic compound. The starter kit comes with all the necessary information and products to have you on your way. This kit is suitable for all ages as it is completely non toxic. The kit comes with full instructions on Ausmonite and how to use it. We are working on a detailed online course that will be apart of this kit but until then written instructions are provided. This kit includes over $140 worth of value.
- 750 G Ausmonite kit
- 50x50cm square reusable silicone mat
- 2 large mixing cups
-4 small mixing cups
-mixing sticks
- 3 pigments of our choice (unless specified in order notes)
- trinket tray silicone mould
- Ausmonite instructions
- nitrile gloves
- access to Ausmonite online course